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Microschool-Homeschool Hybrid


Located in Downriver Michigan and Serving ALL Surrounding Areas


Future Focused Learning

Registration is NOW OPEN!!!

Classes begin September 10th 
for the 2024/2025 school year


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
10:30AM - 2:30PM EST

Located in Wyandotte, MI 48192


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Discover a New World of Learning

Welcome to Blooming Education Center, the learning program that puts the child at the center of learning.. Offering high-quality educational curriculum and resources for students ages 3-13. Our unique learning environment fosters creativity and curiosity through small class sizes, core subjects, and project-based learning. Browse our website to find out more about our program and how YOU can be a part. If you are searching for an alternative to traditional education or for additional resources offering social interaction for your homeschooler, you're in the right place! WELCOME!!

What is a Homeschool Microschool?

Microschoools are an innovative way of educating learners of all ages. This type of learning environment, sometimes referred to as learning pods come in varying shapes and sizes. One very special trait for a microschool is that the class sizes are small , and that is intentionally so. Usually less than 15 students per class session. The schedule and curriculum are tailored to fit the needs of each learner involved.It's a s beautiful blend between homeschool and private school with all the benefits of education, personalized learning and social interaction.

We learn in a one-room classroom environment with various seating and optional learning space for the comfort of our learners. Learners are grouped by age here not so much grade level. We have our lower elementary group, our upper elementary and middle school learners all learning together in the same room at different levels. The younger ones gain from the knowledge of the older students and the older students gain confidence and learn to be individual thinkers and leaders. 

This learning model will be desired by parents (and kids) who are interested in a different approach to learning.  We provide an independent learning environment that is free from standardized tests and “mandatory” curriculum that defines today’s school systems. Microschools are efficiently ran with student engagement being remarkably high. Microschools provide a unique balance between homeschool learning with a more social experience for students of all ages. We are a child centered, non- traditional schooling program, creating a more personalized learning experience that eases anxiety in children and fosters a space where they can be themselves, they can learn, grow and THIRVE!!

Hear What Parents Are Saying About Microschool

What is a Microschool

What is a Microschool

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Who We Are

Pile of Books

Homeschool Microschool Collaborative (ages 3-13)

At Blooming Education Center, we operate with a christian world view and we're passionate about making learning an enjoyable experience  for everyone. Our affordable and engaging microschool offers a unique opportunity for families who are looking for an alternative to traditional schooling or who may need additional learning and social engagements for their homeschooled children. We are  changing the way we look at education. With our innovative curriculum, and dedicated teacher, we're here to guide you along  every step of the way. Explore our website and start your learning journey today. If you have any questions, PLEASE feel free to reach out. Our goal is to educate parents about our program and share our vision for this learning style.  The future of education is here!

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